Abracadabrus |
4 |
Very Rare |
A |
80000 |
wondrous item |
Acheron Blade |
3 |
Rare |
B |
11000 |
weapon |
sword |
required |
Adamantine armor |
2 |
Uncommon |
B |
800 |
armor |
medium, heavy (not hide) |
Akmon, Hammer of Purphoros |
5 |
Legendary |
C |
500000 |
weapon |
warhammer |
required |
Alchemical Compendium |
3 |
Rare |
C |
14000 |
wondrous item |
book |
wizard |
Alchemy jug |
2 |
Uncommon |
A |
600 |
wondrous item |
Alchemy jug (Blue) |
2 |
Uncommon |
A |
600 |
wondrous item |
Alchemy jug (Orange) |
2 |
Uncommon |
A |
600 |
wondrous item |
All Purpose Tool |
2 |
Uncommon |
C |
1000 |
wondrous item |
tools |
artificer |
Amethyst Lodestone |
4 |
Very Rare |
C |
120000 |
wondrous item |
required |
Ammunition +1 |
2 |
Uncommon |
Bu |
200 |
ammunition |
any |
Ammunition +2 |
3 |
Rare |
Bu |
2750 |
ammunition |
any |
Ammunition +3 |
4 |
Very Rare |
Bu |
25000 |
ammunition |
any |
Amulet of Health |
3 |
Rare |
B |
11000 |
wondrous item |
neckwear |
required |
Amulet of Proof Against Detection and Location |
2 |
Uncommon |
A |
600 |
wondrous item |
neckwear |
required |
Amulet of Protection from Turning |
3 |
Rare |
B |
11000 |
wondrous item |
neckwear |
required |
Amulet of the Black Skull |
4 |
Very Rare |
A |
80000 |
wondrous item |
neckwear |
required |
Amulet of the Devout +1 |
2 |
Uncommon |
C |
1000 |
wondrous item |
neckwear |
cleric or paladin |
Amulet of the Devout +2 |
3 |
Rare |
C |
14000 |
wondrous item |
neckwear |
cleric or paladin |
Amulet of the Devout +3 |
4 |
Very Rare |
C |
120000 |
wondrous item |
neckwear |
cleric or paladin |
Amulet of the Drunkard |
2 |
Uncommon |
A |
600 |
wondrous item |
neckwear |
Amulet of the planes |
4 |
Very Rare |
A |
80000 |
wondrous item |
neckwear |
required |
Animated shield |
4 |
Very Rare |
B |
100000 |
wondrous item |
neckwear |
required |
Anstruth Harp |
4 |
Very Rare |
C |
120000 |
wondrous item |
two handed |
bard |
Apparatus of Kwalish |
5 |
Legendary |
B |
400000 |
wondrous item |
Arcane Cannon |
4 |
Very Rare |
C |
120000 |
wondrous item |
Arcane Grimoire +1 |
2 |
Uncommon |
C |
1000 |
wondrous item |
book |
wizard |
Arcane Grimoire +2 |
3 |
Rare |
C |
14000 |
wondrous item |
book |
wizard |
Arcane Grimoire +3 |
4 |
Very Rare |
C |
120000 |
wondrous item |
book |
wizard |
Arcane Propulsion Arm |
4 |
Very Rare |
B |
100000 |
wondrous item |
armwear |
creature missing a hand or an arm |
Armblade |
1 |
Common |
B |
200 |
weapon |
one handed melee |
Warforged |
Armor +1 |
3 |
Rare |
B |
11000 |
armor |
light, medium, heavy |
Armor +2 |
4 |
Very Rare |
B |
100000 |
armor |
light, medium, heavy |
Armor +3 |
5 |
Legendary |
B |
400000 |
armor |
light, medium, heavy |
Armor of Gleaming |
1 |
Common |
A |
100 |
armor |
medium, heavy |
Armor of invulnerability |
5 |
Legendary |
B |
400000 |
armor |
plate |
required |
Armor of resistance |
3 |
Rare |
B |
11000 |
armor |
light, medium, heavy |
required |
Armor of vulnerability |
3 |
Rare |
Au |
2000 |
armor |
plate |
required |
has vulnerability to two damage types |
Arrow of slaying |
4 |
Very Rare |
Bu |
25000 |
ammunition |
arrow |
Arrow-catching shield |
3 |
Rare |
B |
11000 |
armor |
shield |
Astral Shard |
3 |
Rare |
C |
14000 |
wondrous item |
sorcerer |
Astromancy Archive |
3 |
Rare |
C |
14000 |
wondrous item |
book |
wizard |
Atlas of Endless Horizons |
3 |
Rare |
C |
14000 |
wondrous item |
book |
wizard |
Axe of the Dwarvish Lords |
7 |
Artefact |
weapon |
battleaxe |
required |
on non-dwarves |
Azuredge |
6 |
Sentient |
weapon |
battleaxe |
required |
Baba Yaga’s Mortar and Pestle |
7 |
Artefact |
wondrous item |
required |
Badge of the Watch |
3 |
Rare |
B |
11000 |
wondrous item |
designated by the open lord of waterdeep |
Bag of beans |
3 |
Rare |
C |
14000 |
wondrous item |
Bag of Bounty |
2 |
Uncommon |
A |
600 |
wondrous item |
Bag of devouring |
4 |
Very Rare |
A |
80000 |
wondrous item |
Technically no but bad item |
Bag of Holding |
2 |
Uncommon |
B |
800 |
wondrous item |
Bag of Tricks |
2 |
Uncommon |
C |
1000 |
wondrous item |
Balance of Harmony |
2 |
Uncommon |
A |
600 |
wondrous item |
Balloon Pack |
2 |
Uncommon |
B |
800 |
wondrous item |
backpack |
Band of Loyalty |
1 |
Common |
B |
200 |
wondrous item |
fingerwear |
required |
Banner of the Krig Rune |
3 |
Rare |
B |
11000 |
wondrous item |
required |
Battering Shield |
3 |
Rare |
B |
11000 |
armor |
shield |
required |
Battle Standard of Infernal Power |
4 |
Very Rare |
B |
100000 |
wondrous item |
required |
Bead of force |
3 |
Rare |
Bu |
2750 |
wondrous item |
consumable |
Bead of Nourishment |
1 |
Common |
Au |
25 |
wondrous item |
consumable |
Bead of Refreshment |
1 |
Common |
Au |
25 |
wondrous item |
consumable |
Belashyrra's Beholder Crown |
5 |
Legendary |
C |
500000 |
wondrous item |
headwear |
required |
Can't be voluntarily detached |
Bell Branch |
3 |
Rare |
B |
11000 |
wondrous item |
druid or warlock |
Belt of dwarvenkind |
3 |
Rare |
C |
14000 |
wondrous item |
belt |
for growing a beard |
Belt of giant strength |
5 |
Varies |
Varies |
400000 |
wondrous item |
belt |
required |
Berserker axe |
3 |
Rare |
B |
11000 |
weapon |
any axe |
required |
chance of going berserk on taking damage |
Black Crystal Tablet |
5 |
Legendary |
B |
400000 |
wondrous item |
proficiency with arcana skill |
Dragon Mask |
5 |
Legendary |
C |
500000 |
wondrous item |
facewear |
required |
Blackrazor |
6 |
Sentient |
weapon |
greatsword |
creature of non-lawful alignment |
Blackstaff |
6 |
Sentient |
weapon |
staff |
blackstaff heir, must be a wizard |
Blade of Avernus |
7 |
Artefact |
weapon |
longsword |
required |
Blade of Broken Mirrors |
8 |
Vestige |
weapon |
dagger |
humanoid |
Blade of the Medusa |
4 |
Very Rare |
Bu |
25000 |
weapon |
sword |
required |
could effect user |
Blast Scepter |
4 |
Very Rare |
C |
120000 |
rod |
scepter |
required |
Blod Stone |
3 |
Rare |
A |
8000 |
wondrous item |
required |
Blood of the Lycanthrope Antidote |
2 |
Uncommon |
Cu |
250 |
Potion |
Blood Spear |
2 |
Uncommon |
B |
800 |
weapon |
spear |
required |
Bloodaxe |
4 |
Very Rare |
B |
100000 |
weapon |
greataxe |
required |
Bloodwell Vial +1 |
2 |
Uncommon |
C |
1000 |
wondrous item |
sorcerer |
Bloodwell Vial +2 |
3 |
Rare |
C |
14000 |
wondrous item |
sorcerer |
Bloodwell Vial +3 |
4 |
Very Rare |
C |
120000 |
wondrous item |
sorcerer |
Bonecounter |
3 |
Rare |
B |
11000 |
weapon |
mace |
Book of Exalted Deeds |
7 |
Artefact |
wondrous item |
creature of good alignment |
Book of Vile Darkness |
7 |
Artefact |
wondrous item |
required |
Bookmark |
5 |
Legendary |
C |
500000 |
weapon |
dagger |
required |
Boots of Elvenkind |
2 |
Uncommon |
A |
600 |
wondrous item |
footwear |
Boots of False Tracks |
1 |
Common |
A |
100 |
wondrous item |
footwear |
Boots of levitation |
3 |
Rare |
A |
8000 |
wondrous item |
footwear |
required |
Boots of speed |
3 |
Rare |
B |
11000 |
wondrous item |
footwear |
required |
Boots of Striding and Springing |
2 |
Uncommon |
B |
800 |
wondrous item |
footwear |
required |
Boots of the Winterlands |
2 |
Uncommon |
B |
800 |
wondrous item |
footwear |
required |
Bottle of Boundless Coffee |
1 |
Common |
A |
100 |
wondrous item |
container |
Bottled Breath |
2 |
Uncommon |
Au |
150 |
potion |
Bowl of commanding water elementals |
3 |
Rare |
C |
14000 |
wondrous item |
Bracelet of Rock Magic |
4 |
Very Rare |
B |
100000 |
wondrous item |
armwear |
required |
could effect user |
Bracer of Flying Daggers |
3 |
Rare |
B |
11000 |
wondrous item |
armwear |
required |
Bracers of Archery |
2 |
Uncommon |
B |
800 |
wondrous item |
armwear x2 |
required |
Bracers of defense |
3 |
Rare |
B |
11000 |
wondrous item |
armwear x2 |
required |
Brazier of commanding fire elementals |
3 |
Rare |
C |
14000 |
wondrous item |
Breathing Bubble |
1 |
Common |
A |
100 |
wondrous item |
headwear |
Bridle of Capturing |
3 |
Rare |
A |
8000 |
wondrous item |
required |
Brooch of Living Essence |
2 |
Uncommon |
A |
600 |
wondrous item |
neckwear |
required |
Brooch of Shielding |
2 |
Uncommon |
B |
800 |
wondrous item |
neckwear |
required |
Broom of Flying |
2 |
Uncommon |
C |
1000 |
wondrous item |
Canaith Mandolin |
3 |
Rare |
C |
14000 |
wondrous item |
two handed |
bard |
Candle of invocation |
4 |
Very Rare |
Cu |
30000 |
wondrous item |
consumable |
required |
Candle of the Deep |
1 |
Common |
Au |
25 |
wondrous item |
one handed, consumable |
Cap of Water Breathing |
2 |
Uncommon |
A |
600 |
wondrous item |
headwear |
Cape of the Mountebank |
3 |
Rare |
A |
8000 |
wondrous item |
cloak |
Carpet of flying |
4 |
Very Rare |
C |
120000 |
wondrous item |
Cast-Off Armor |
1 |
Common |
A |
100 |
armor |
light, medium, heavy |
Cauldron of Plenty |
3 |
Rare |
A |
8000 |
wondrous item |
Cauldron of Rebirth |
4 |
Very Rare |
C |
120000 |
wondrous item |
druid or warlock |
Censer of controlling air elementals |
3 |
Rare |
C |
14000 |
wondrous item |
Charlatan's Die |
1 |
Common |
A |
100 |
wondrous item |
required |
Charm of Plant Command |
3 |
Rare |
A |
8000 |
wondrous item |
required |
Chest of Preserving |
1 |
Common |
B |
200 |
wondrous item |
Chime of opening |
3 |
Rare |
Bu |
2750 |
wondrous item |
Chronolometer |
4 |
Very Rare |
C |
120000 |
wondrous item |
required |
Circlet of Blasting |
2 |
Uncommon |
B |
800 |
wondrous item |
headwear |
Circlet of Human Perfection |
2 |
Uncommon |
B |
800 |
wondrous item |
headwear |
humanoid |
Claw of the Wyrm Rune |
3 |
Rare |
B |
11000 |
wondrous item |
required |
Claws of the Umber Hulk |
3 |
Rare |
B |
11000 |
wondrous item |
two handed |
required |
Cleansing Stone |
1 |
Common |
A |
100 |
wondrous item |
Cli Lyre |
3 |
Rare |
C |
14000 |
wondrous item |
two handed |
bard |
Cloak of arachnida |
4 |
Very Rare |
C |
120000 |
wondrous item |
cloak |
required |
Cloak of Billowing |
1 |
Common |
A |
100 |
wondrous item |
cloak |
required |
Cloak of displacement |
3 |
Rare |
B |
11000 |
wondrous item |
cloak |
required |
Cloak of Elvenkind |
2 |
Uncommon |
B |
800 |
wondrous item |
cloak |
required |
Cloak of invisibility |
5 |
Legendary |
B |
400000 |
wondrous item |
cloak |
required |
Cloak of Many Fashions |
1 |
Common |
A |
100 |
wondrous item |
cloak |
Cloak of protection |
2 |
Uncommon |
B |
800 |
wondrous item |
cloak |
required |
Cloak of the bat |
3 |
Rare |
C |
14000 |
wondrous item |
cloak |
required |
Cloak of the manta ray |
2 |
Uncommon |
B |
800 |
wondrous item |
cloak |
Clockwork Amulet |
1 |
Common |
B |
200 |
wondrous item |
neckwear |
Clothes of Mending |
1 |
Common |
A |
100 |
wondrous item |
clothes |
Coin of Delving |
1 |
Common |
A |
100 |
wondrous item |
Conch of Teleportation |
4 |
Very Rare |
A |
80000 |
wondrous item |
required |
Corpse Slayer |
3 |
Rare |
B |
11000 |
weapon |
required |
Cracked Driftglobe |
2 |
Uncommon |
Au |
150 |
wondrous item |
Crook of Rao |
7 |
Artefact |
wondrous item |
staff |
required |
Crystal ball |
4 |
Very Rare |
A |
80000 |
wondrous item |
required |
Crystal ball |
5 |
Legendary |
A |
300000 |
wondrous item |
required |
Crystal Blade |
3 |
Rare |
B |
11000 |
weapon |
any sword |
required |
Crystalline Chronicle |
4 |
Very Rare |
C |
120000 |
wondrous item |
wizard |
Cube of force |
3 |
Rare |
C |
14000 |
wondrous item |
required |
Cubic gate |
5 |
Legendary |
A |
300000 |
wondrous item |
Cuddly Strixhaven Mascot |
1 |
Common |
B |
200 |
wondrous item |
next two checks at disadvantage |
Cursed Luckstone |
2 |
Uncommon |
A |
600 |
wondrous item |
next two checks at disadvantage |
Daern’s instant fortress |
3 |
Rare |
B |
11000 |
wondrous item |
Dagger of Blindsight |
3 |
Rare |
B |
11000 |
weapon |
dagger |
required |
Dagger of venom |
3 |
Rare |
B |
11000 |
weapon |
dagger |
Dancing sword |
4 |
Very Rare |
B |
100000 |
weapon |
any sword |
required |
Danoth's Visor |
8 |
Vestige |
wondrous item |
required |
Dark Shard Amulet |
1 |
Common |
A |
100 |
wondrous item |
neckwear |
warlock |
Dawnbringer |
6 |
Sentient |
weapon |
longsword |
creature of non-evil alignment |
Decanter of endless water |
2 |
Uncommon |
A |
600 |
wondrous item |
Deck of illusions |
2 |
Uncommon |
B |
800 |
wondrous item |
consumable |
Deck of many things |
5 |
Legendary |
C |
500000 |
wondrous item |
consumable |
Deck of Several Things |
5 |
Legendary |
C |
500000 |
wondrous item |
consumable |
Defender |
5 |
Legendary |
B |
400000 |
weapon |
any sword |
required |
Dekella, Bident of Thassa |
5 |
Legendary |
C |
500000 |
weapon |
trident |
required |
cursed |
Demon armor |
4 |
Very Rare |
Bu |
25000 |
armor |
plate |
required |
cursed |
Demonomicon |
7 |
Artefact |
wondrous item |
staff |
required |
Devastation Orb |
3 |
Rare |
B |
11000 |
wondrous item |
Devotee's Censer |
3 |
Rare |
B |
11000 |
weapon |
flail |
cleric or paladin |
Dimensional Loop |
5 |
Legendary |
C |
500000 |
wondrous item |
Dimensional shackles |
3 |
Rare |
B |
11000 |
wondrous item |
Dispelling Stone |
4 |
Very Rare |
Au |
20000 |
wondrous item |
Docent |
3 |
Rare |
A |
8000 |
wondrous item |
warforged |
Dodecahedron of Doom |
3 |
Rare |
B |
11000 |
wondrous item |
Doss Lute |
2 |
Uncommon |
C |
1000 |
wondrous item |
two handed |
bard |
Draakhorn |
7 |
Artefact |
wondrous item |
Dragon scale mail |
4 |
Very Rare |
B |
100000 |
armor |
scale mail |
required |
Dragon slayer |
3 |
Rare |
B |
11000 |
weapon |
any sword |
Dragonguard |
3 |
Rare |
B |
11000 |
armor |
breastplate |
Dragonhide Belt +1 |
2 |
Uncommon |
C |
1000 |
wondrous item |
belt |
monk |
Dragonhide Belt +2 |
3 |
Rare |
C |
14000 |
wondrous item |
belt |
monk |
Dragonhide Belt +3 |
4 |
Very Rare |
C |
120000 |
wondrous item |
belt |
monk |
Dragonlance |
5 |
Legendary |
B |
400000 |
weapon |
lance or pike |
required |
Dragonstaff of Ahghairon |
5 |
Legendary |
B |
400000 |
weapon |
staff |
Dragontooth Dagger |
3 |
Rare |
B |
11000 |
wondrous item |
Dragon Wing Bow |
3 |
Rare |
B |
11000 |
weapon |
any bow |
required |
Dread Helm |
1 |
Common |
A |
100 |
wondrous item |
headwear |
Driftglobe |
2 |
Uncommon |
A |
600 |
wondrous item |
Drown |
5 |
Legendary |
C |
500000 |
weapon |
trident |
required |
Duplicitous Manuscript |
3 |
Rare |
C |
14000 |
wondrous item |
book |
wizard |
Duskcrusher |
4 |
Very Rare |
C |
120000 |
weapon |
warhammer |
required |
Dust of Deliciousness |
2 |
Uncommon |
Bu |
200 |
wondrous item |
consumable |
Dust of disappearance |
2 |
Uncommon |
Bu |
200 |
wondrous item |
consumable |
Dust of dryness |
2 |
Uncommon |
Au |
150 |
wondrous item |
consumable |
Dust of sneezing and choking |
2 |
Uncommon |
Bu |
200 |
wondrous item |
consumable |
Dwarven plate |
4 |
Very Rare |
B |
100000 |
armor |
plate |
Dwarven thrower |
4 |
Very Rare |
B |
100000 |
weapon |
warhammer |
dwarf |
Dyrrn's Tentacle Whip |
4 |
Very Rare |
B |
100000 |
weapon |
whip |
required |
Can't be voluntarily detached |
Eagle Whistle |
3 |
Rare |
C |
14000 |
wondrous item |
Ear Horn of Hearing |
1 |
Common |
B |
200 |
wondrous item |
one handed |
Earworm |
2 |
Uncommon |
C |
1000 |
wondrous item |
Earwear |
required |
Can't be voluntarily detached |
Efreeti bottle |
4 |
Very Rare |
C |
120000 |
wondrous item |
Efreeti chain |
5 |
Legendary |
B |
400000 |
armor |
chain mail |
required |
Elemental Essence Shard |
3 |
Rare |
C |
14000 |
wondrous item |
sorcerer |
Elemental gem |
2 |
Uncommon |
Cu |
250 |
wondrous item |
consumable |
Elixir of health |
3 |
Rare |
Bu |
2750 |
potion |
Elven chain |
3 |
Rare |
B |
11000 |
armor |
chain shirt |
Emerald Pen |
2 |
Uncommon |
A |
600 |
wondrous item |
Enduring Spellbook |
1 |
Common |
A |
100 |
wondrous item |
Ephixis, Bow of Nylea |
5 |
Legendary |
C |
500000 |
weapon |
shortbow |
required |
Ersatz Eye |
1 |
Common |
A |
100 |
wondrous item |
eye |
required |
Everbright Lantern |
1 |
Common |
A |
100 |
wondrous item |
Eversmoking bottle |
2 |
Uncommon |
A |
600 |
wondrous item |
Eye and Hand of Vecna |
7 |
Artefact |
wondrous item |
eye |
required |
Eyes of charming |
2 |
Uncommon |
B |
800 |
wondrous item |
eyewear |
required |
Eyes of minute seeing |
2 |
Uncommon |
A |
600 |
wondrous item |
eyewear |
Eyes of the eagle |
2 |
Uncommon |
A |
600 |
wondrous item |
eyewear |
required |
Failed Experiment Wand |
3 |
Rare |
B |
11000 |
wand |
one handed |
spellcaster |
Not cursed but wierd and broken |
Fane-Eater |
5 |
Legendary |
B |
400000 |
Weapon |
Battleaxe |
evil cleric or paladin |
Far Gear |
4 |
Very Rare |
C |
120000 |
wondrous item |
required |
Far Realm Shard |
3 |
Rare |
C |
14000 |
wondrous item |
sorcerer |
Feather of Diatryma Summoning |
3 |
Rare |
C |
14000 |
wondrous item |
required |
Feather Token |
3 |
Rare |
Cu |
3500 |
wondrous item |
Feywild Shard |
2 |
Uncommon |
C |
1000 |
wondrous item |
sorcerer |
Figurine of wondrous power |
3 |
Varies |
Varies |
14000 |
wondrous item |
Finder's Goggles |
2 |
Uncommon |
C |
1000 |
wondrous item |
eyewear |
creature with the mark of finding |
Fish Suit |
4 |
Very Rare |
B |
100000 |
wondrous item |
clothes |
Flail of Tiamat |
5 |
Legendary |
C |
500000 |
weapon |
flail |
required |
Flame tongue |
3 |
Rare |
B |
11000 |
weapon |
any sword |
required |
Flying Chariot |
3 |
Rare |
B |
11000 |
wondrous item |
mount |
Fochlucan Bandore |
2 |
Uncommon |
C |
1000 |
wondrous item |
two handed |
bard |
Folding boat |
3 |
Rare |
A |
8000 |
wondrous item |
Frost brand |
4 |
Very Rare |
B |
100000 |
weapon |
any sword |
required |
Fulminating Treatise |
3 |
Rare |
C |
14000 |
wondrous item |
book |
wizard |
Galder’s Bubble Pipe |
3 |
Rare |
C |
14000 |
wondrous item |
one handed |
required |
Gambler’s Blade |
3 |
Rare |
Bu |
2750 |
weapon |
any sword |
required |
cursed |
Gauntlets of Flaming Fury |
3 |
Rare |
B |
11000 |
wondrous item |
armwear x2 |
required |
Gauntlets of ogre power |
2 |
Uncommon |
B |
800 |
wondrous item |
armwear x2 |
required |
Gavel of the Venn Rune |
3 |
Rare |
B |
11000 |
wondrous item |
consumable |
Gem of brightness |
2 |
Uncommon |
B |
800 |
wondrous item |
consumable |
Gem of seeing |
3 |
Rare |
A |
8000 |
wondrous item |
one handed |
required |
Ghost Lantern |
3 |
Rare |
B |
11000 |
wondrous item |
required |
Giant slayer |
3 |
Rare |
B |
11000 |
weapon |
any axe or sword |
Glamerweave |
1 |
Common |
A |
100 |
wondrous item |
clothing |
Glamerweave (Uncommon) |
2 |
Uncommon |
A |
600 |
wondrous item |
clothing |
Glamoured studded leather |
3 |
Rare |
B |
11000 |
armor |
studded leather |
Gloves of missile snaring |
2 |
Uncommon |
B |
800 |
wondrous item |
armwear x2 |
required |
Gloves of Soul Catching |
5 |
Legendary |
B |
400000 |
wondrous item |
armwear x2 |
required |
Gloves of swimming and climbing |
2 |
Uncommon |
A |
600 |
wondrous item |
armwear x2 |
required |
Gloves of thievery |
2 |
Uncommon |
A |
600 |
wondrous item |
armwear x2 |
Gnomengarde Grenade |
4 |
Very Rare |
C |
120000 |
wondrous item |
Goggles of night |
2 |
Uncommon |
C |
1000 |
wondrous item |
eyewear |
Goggles of Object Reading |
2 |
Uncommon |
C |
1000 |
wondrous item |
eyewear |
Greater Silver Sword |
5 |
Legendary |
B |
400000 |
weapon |
greatsword |
psionic creature |
Grimoire Infinitus |
8 |
Vestige |
wondrous item |
wizard |
Grovelthrash |
8 |
Vestige |
weapon |
warhammer |
required |
Guardian Emblem |
2 |
Uncommon |
C |
1000 |
wondrous item |
cleric or paladin |
Guild Keyrune |
3 |
Varies |
Varies |
14000 |
wondrous item |
member of the relevant guild |
Guild Signet |
2 |
Uncommon |
C |
1000 |
wondrous item |
fingerwear |
required |
Gulthias Staff |
3 |
Rare |
B |
11000 |
weapon |
staff |
required |
Gurt’s Greataxe |
5 |
Legendary |
B |
400000 |
weapon |
greataxe |
required |
Hammer of thunderbolts |
5 |
Legendary |
B |
400000 |
weapon |
maul |
optional |
Hat of disguise |
2 |
Uncommon |
A |
600 |
wondrous item |
headwear |
required |
Hat of Vermin |
1 |
Common |
A |
100 |
wondrous item |
headwear |
required |
Hat of Wizardry |
1 |
Common |
B |
200 |
wondrous item |
headwear |
wizard |
Hazirawn |
5 |
Legendary |
C |
500000 |
weapon |
greatsword |
required |
Headband of intellect |
2 |
Uncommon |
B |
800 |
wondrous item |
head slot |
required |
Heart Weaver’s Primer |
3 |
Rare |
C |
14000 |
wondrous item |
book |
wizard |
Hellfire Weapon |
2 |
Uncommon |
A |
600 |
weapon |
any |
Hellhound Cloak |
3 |
Rare |
Bu |
2750 |
wondrous item |
cloak |
required |
cursed |
Helm of brilliance |
4 |
Very Rare |
C |
120000 |
wondrous item |
headwear |
required |
Helm of comprehending languages |
2 |
Uncommon |
A |
600 |
wondrous item |
headwear |
Helm of Devil Command |
4 |
Very Rare |
C |
120000 |
wondrous item |
headwear |
creature that can speak infernal |
Helm of Disjunction |
5 |
Legendary |
C |
500000 |
wondrous item |
headwear |
Sorcerer, Warlock, or Wizard |
Helm of telepathy |
2 |
Uncommon |
C |
1000 |
wondrous item |
headwear |
required |
Helm of teleportation |
3 |
Rare |
C |
14000 |
wondrous item |
headwear |
required |
Helm of the Gods |
3 |
Rare |
C |
14000 |
wondrous item |
headwear |
required |
Helm of the Scavenger |
5 |
Legendary |
A |
300000 |
wondrous item |
spellcaster, optional |
Helm of Underwater Action |
2 |
Uncommon |
B |
800 |
wondrous item |
headwear |
required |
Hew |
2 |
Uncommon |
B |
800 |
weapon |
battleaxe |
Heward's Hireling Armor |
4 |
Very Rare |
B |
100000 |
armor |
leather |
Heward’s handy haversack |
3 |
Rare |
A |
8000 |
wondrous item |
Heward’s Handy Spice Pouch |
1 |
Common |
A |
100 |
wondrous item |
Hither-Thither Staff |
5 |
Legendary |
B |
400000 |
wondrous item |
staff |
Hide of the Feral Guardian |
8 |
Vestige |
armor |
studded leather |
required |
Holy avenger |
5 |
Legendary |
B |
400000 |
weapon |
any sword |
paladin |
Holy Symbol of Ravenkind |
3 |
Rare |
B |
11000 |
wondrous item |
holy symbol |
cleric or paladin of good alignment |
Hook of Fisher's Delight |
3 |
Rare |
B |
11000 |
wondrous item |
Horn of Beckoning Death |
5 |
Legendary |
C |
500000 |
wondrous item |
Sorcerer, Warlock, or Wizard |
Horn of blasting |
3 |
Rare |
B |
11000 |
wondrous item |
one handed |
Horn of Silent Alarm |
1 |
Common |
A |
100 |
wondrous item |
one handed |
Horn of valhalla |
3 |
Varies |
Varies |
14000 |
wondrous item |
one handed |
Horned Ring |
4 |
Very Rare |
A |
80000 |
wondrous item |
fingerwear |
Horseshoes of a zephyr |
4 |
Very Rare |
A |
80000 |
wondrous item |
mount item |
Horseshoes of speed |
3 |
Rare |
A |
8000 |
wondrous item |
mount item |
Hunter's Coat |
4 |
Very Rare |
B |
100000 |
armor |
leather |
Icon of Ravenloft |
5 |
Legendary |
B |
400000 |
wondrous item |
one handed |
creature of good alignment |
Illusionist's Bracers |
4 |
Very Rare |
B |
100000 |
wondrous item |
armwear x2 |
spellcaster |
Imbued Wood |
1 |
Common |
B |
200 |
wondrous item |
wand, staff or rod |
required |
Immovable rod |
2 |
Uncommon |
A |
600 |
rod |
Infernal Puzzle Box |
2 |
Uncommon |
A |
600 |
wondrous item |
horsegear |
creature of evil alignment |
Infernal Tack |
5 |
Legendary |
B |
400000 |
wondrous item |
horsegear |
creature of evil alignment |
Infiltrator's Key |
8 |
Vestige |
wondrous item |
required |
Ingot of the Skold Rune |
4 |
Very Rare |
B |
100000 |
wondrous item |
required |
Inquisitive’s Goggles |
2 |
Uncommon |
A |
600 |
wondrous item |
head slot |
Mark of Finding |
Insignia of Claws +1 |
2 |
Uncommon |
B |
800 |
wondrous item |
neckwear |
Insignia of Claws +2 |
3 |
Rare |
B |
11000 |
wondrous item |
neckwear |
Insignia of Claws +3 |
4 |
Very Rare |
B |
100000 |
wondrous item |
neckwear |
Instrument of Illusions |
1 |
Common |
A |
100 |
wondrous item |
two handed |
required |
Instrument of Scribing |
1 |
Common |
A |
100 |
wondrous item |
one handed |
required |
Ioun stone |
4 |
Varies |
Varies |
25000 |
wondrous item |
required |
Iron bands of bilarro |
3 |
Rare |
B |
11000 |
wondrous item |
Iron Fang |
5 |
Legendary |
B |
400000 |
weapon |
war pick |
required |
Iron flask |
5 |
Legendary |
C |
500000 |
wondrous item |
Spear of Backbiting |
4 |
Very Rare |
Bu |
25000 |
weapon |
spear |
required |
cursed |
Javelin of lightning |
2 |
Uncommon |
B |
800 |
weapon |
javelin |
Keoghtom’s ointment |
2 |
Uncommon |
B |
800 |
wondrous item |
consumable |
Keycharm |
1 |
Common |
A |
100 |
wondrous item |
Khrusor, Spear of Heliod |
5 |
Legendary |
C |
500000 |
weapon |
spear |
required |
Knave’s Eye Patch |
2 |
Uncommon |
B |
800 |
wondrous item |
eyewear |
required |
Korolnor Scepter |
5 |
Legendary |
C |
500000 |
wondrous item |
required |
Kyrzin's Ooze |
4 |
Very Rare |
C |
120000 |
wondrous item |
required |
Can't be voluntarily removed |
Lantern of revealing |
2 |
Uncommon |
B |
800 |
wondrous item |
Lantern of Tracking |
1 |
Common |
A |
100 |
wondrous item |
Lash of Shadows |
8 |
Vestige |
weapon |
whip |
Last Stand Armor |
4 |
Very Rare |
B |
100000 |
armor |
required |
Leather Golem Armor |
3 |
Rare |
Bu |
2750 |
armor |
leather |
required |
cursed |
Libram of Souls and Flesh |
3 |
Rare |
C |
14000 |
wondrous item |
book |
wizard |
Lightbringer |
2 |
Uncommon |
B |
800 |
weapon |
mace |
Living Armor |
4 |
Very Rare |
B |
100000 |
armor |
plate |
required |
Can't be voluntarily removed |
Living Gloves |
2 |
Uncommon |
A |
600 |
armor |
handwear |
required |
Can't be voluntarily removed |
Loadstone |
3 |
Rare |
Au |
2000 |
wondrous item |
gem |
cursed |
Lock of Trickery |
1 |
Common |
A |
100 |
wondrous item |
Lord’s Ensemble |
4 |
Very Rare |
A |
80000 |
wondrous item |
clothing |
creature with a humanoid build |
Lost Crown of Besilmer |
5 |
Legendary |
B |
400000 |
wondrous item |
headwear |
required |
Luba’s Tarokka of Souls |
7 |
Artefact |
wondrous item |
required |
Luck blade |
5 |
Legendary |
C |
500000 |
weapon |
any sword |
required |
Luxon Beacon |
5 |
Legendary |
B |
400000 |
wondrous item |
Lyre of Building |
3 |
Rare |
C |
14000 |
wondrous item |
bard |
Lorehold Primer |
2 |
Uncommon |
B |
800 |
wondrous item |
spellcaster |
Mac-Fuirmidh Cittern |
2 |
Uncommon |
C |
1000 |
wondrous item |
two handed |
bard |
Mace of disruption |
3 |
Rare |
B |
11000 |
weapon |
mace |
required |
Mace of smiting |
3 |
Rare |
B |
11000 |
weapon |
mace |
Mace of terror |
3 |
Rare |
B |
11000 |
weapon |
mace |
required |
Mace of the Black Crown |
8 |
Vestige |
weapon |
mace |
required |
Mantle of spell resistance |
3 |
Rare |
B |
11000 |
wondrous item |
cloak |
required |
Manual of bodily health |
4 |
Very Rare |
C |
120000 |
wondrous item |
tome |
Manual of gainful exercise |
4 |
Very Rare |
C |
120000 |
wondrous item |
tome |
Manual of golems |
4 |
Very Rare |
C |
120000 |
wondrous item |
tome |
Manual of quickness of action |
4 |
Very Rare |
C |
120000 |
wondrous item |
tome |
Mariner’s armor |
2 |
Uncommon |
A |
600 |
armor |
light, medium, heavy |
Mask of the Beast |
2 |
Uncommon |
A |
600 |
wondrous item |
facewear |
Mask of the Dragon Queen |
5 |
Legendary |
C |
500000 |
wondrous item |
facewear |
required |
Mastix, Whip of Erebos |
5 |
Legendary |
C |
500000 |
weapon |
whip |
required |
Matalotok |
5 |
Legendary |
B |
400000 |
weapon |
warhammer |
required |
Masque Charm |
1 |
Common |
B |
200 |
wondrous item |
jewelry |
Medallion of thoughts |
2 |
Uncommon |
A |
600 |
wondrous item |
neck slot |
required |
Mighty Servant of Leuk-o |
7 |
Artefact |
wondrous item |
required |
Mind Blade |
3 |
Rare |
B |
11000 |
weapon |
any sword |
specific mind flayer or one of its thralls |
Mind Carapace Armor |
2 |
Uncommon |
B |
800 |
armor |
heavy |
specific individual |
Mind Lash |
3 |
Rare |
B |
11000 |
weapon |
whip |
mind flayer |
Mirror of life trapping |
4 |
Very Rare |
C |
120000 |
wondrous item |
Mirror of the Past |
3 |
Rare |
A |
8000 |
wondrous item |
Mithral armor |
2 |
Uncommon |
B |
800 |
armor |
medium, heavy (not hide) |
Mithral armor |
3 |
Rare |
B |
11000 |
armor |
medium |
Mizzium Apparatus |
2 |
Uncommon |
C |
1000 |
wondrous item |
harness |
sorcerer, warlock, or wizard |
Technically no but could go awry |
Mizzium Armor |
3 |
Rare |
B |
11000 |
armor |
medium, heavy (not hide) |
Mizzium Mortar |
3 |
Rare |
B |
11000 |
wondrous item |
Molten Bronze Skin |
3 |
Rare |
B |
11000 |
armor |
breastplate, half-plate, or plate |
required |
Mummy Rot Antidote |
2 |
Uncommon |
Bu |
200 |
Potion |
Moodmark Paint |
1 |
Common |
Au |
25 |
wondrous item |
Moon Sickle +1 |
2 |
Uncommon |
C |
1000 |
weapon |
sickle |
druid or ranger |
Moon Sickle +2 |
3 |
Rare |
C |
14000 |
weapon |
sickle |
druid or ranger |
Moon Sickle +3 |
4 |
Very Rare |
C |
120000 |
weapon |
sickle |
druid or ranger |
Moon-Touched Sword |
1 |
Common |
B |
200 |
weapon |
any sword |
Moonblade |
6 |
Sentient |
weapon |
longsword |
elf or half-elf of neutral good alignment |
Murxagor's Orb |
6 |
Sentient |
C |
wondrous item |
required |
Mystery Key |
1 |
Common |
Au |
25 |
wondrous item |
Nature's Mantle |
2 |
Uncommon |
C |
1000 |
wondrous item |
cloak |
druid or ranger |
Navigation Orb |
4 |
Very Rare |
A |
80000 |
wondrous item |
required |
Necklace of adaptation |
2 |
Uncommon |
B |
800 |
wondrous item |
neckwear |
required |
Necklace of fireballs |
3 |
Rare |
Bu |
2750 |
wondrous item |
neckwear |
Necklace of prayer beads |
3 |
Rare |
C |
14000 |
wondrous item |
neckwear |
cleric, druid, or paladin |
Needle of Mending |
3 |
Rare |
B |
11000 |
weapon |
dagger |
required |
Nether Scroll of Azumar |
5 |
Legendary |
C |
500000 |
wondrous item |
Night Caller |
2 |
Uncommon |
C |
1000 |
wondrous item |
one handed |
Nightfall Pearl |
5 |
Legendary |
A |
300000 |
wondrous item |
required |
Nine lives stealer |
4 |
Very Rare |
B |
100000 |
weapon |
any sword |
required |
Nolzur’s marvelous pigments |
4 |
Very Rare |
Au |
20000 |
wondrous item |
consumable |
Oathbow |
4 |
Very Rare |
B |
100000 |
weapon |
longbow |
required |
Obsidian Flint Dragon Plate |
5 |
Legendary |
B |
400000 |
armor |
plate |
Oil of etherealness |
3 |
Rare |
Au |
2000 |
potion |
Oil of sharpness |
4 |
Very Rare |
Bu |
25000 |
potion |
Oil of slipperiness |
2 |
Uncommon |
Bu |
200 |
potion |
Ollamh Harp |
5 |
Legendary |
C |
500000 |
wondrous item |
bard |
Opal of the Ild Rune |
3 |
Rare |
B |
11000 |
wondrous item |
required |
Orb of Direction |
1 |
Common |
A |
100 |
wondrous item |
Orb of Dragonkind |
7 |
Artefact |
wondrous item |
required |
Orb of Gonging |
1 |
Common |
A |
100 |
wondrous item |
Orb of Shielding |
1 |
Common |
B |
200 |
wondrous item |
required |
Orb of the Stein Rune |
3 |
Rare |
B |
11000 |
wondrous item |
required |
Orb of the Veil |
4 |
Very Rare |
B |
100000 |
wondrous item |
required |
Orb of Time |
1 |
Common |
A |
100 |
wondrous item |
Orcsplitter |
6 |
Sentient |
weapon |
greataxe |
good-aligned dwarf, fighter, or paladin |
Orcus Figurine |
7 |
Artefact |
wondrous item |
Orrery of the Wanderer |
7 |
Artefact |
wondrous item |
required |
Outer Essence Shard |
3 |
Rare |
C |
14000 |
wondrous item |
sorcerer |
Paper bird |
2 |
Uncommon |
Au |
150 |
wondrous item |
Pariah’s Shield |
3 |
Rare |
B |
11000 |
armor |
shield |
required |
Pearl of power |
2 |
Uncommon |
C |
1000 |
wondrous item |
spellcaster |
Pennant of the Vind Rune |
4 |
Very Rare |
B |
100000 |
wondrous item |
required |
Peregrine Mask |
4 |
Very Rare |
C |
120000 |
wondrous item |
facewear |
required |
Perfume of Bewitching |
1 |
Common |
A |
100 |
wondrous item |
Periapt of health |
2 |
Uncommon |
B |
800 |
wondrous item |
neck slot |
Periapt of proof against poison |
3 |
Rare |
B |
11000 |
wondrous item |
neck slot |
Periapt of wound closure |
2 |
Uncommon |
B |
800 |
wondrous item |
neck slot |
required |
Philter of love |
2 |
Uncommon |
Au |
150 |
potion |
Piercer |
3 |
Rare |
B |
11000 |
weapon |
shortsword |
required |
Pipe of Remembrance |
1 |
Common |
A |
100 |
wondrous item |
Pipe of Smoke Monsters |
1 |
Common |
A |
100 |
wondrous item |
Pipes of haunting |
2 |
Uncommon |
B |
800 |
wondrous item |
two handed |
Pipes of the sewers |
2 |
Uncommon |
C |
1000 |
wondrous item |
required |
Piwafwi (Cloak of Elvenkind) |
2 |
Uncommon |
Bu |
200 |
wondrous item |
required |
Piwafwi of Fire Resistance |
3 |
Rare |
Bu |
2750 |
wondrous item |
required |
Planecaller’s Codex |
3 |
Rare |
C |
14000 |
wondrous item |
book |
wizard |
Plate armor of etherealness |
5 |
Legendary |
A |
300000 |
armor |
plate |
required |
Platinum Scarf |
5 |
Legendary |
C |
500000 |
wondrous item |
Pole of Angling |
1 |
Common |
A |
100 |
wondrous item |
Pole of Collapsing |
1 |
Common |
A |
100 |
wondrous item |
Polymorph Blade |
4 |
Very Rare |
Bu |
25000 |
weapon |
required |
Portable hole |
3 |
Rare |
A |
8000 |
wondrous item |
Pot of Awakening |
1 |
Common |
A |
100 |
wondrous item |
consumable |
Potion of animal friendship |
2 |
Uncommon |
Au |
150 |
potion |
Potion of Aqueous Form |
3 |
Rare |
Au |
2000 |
potion |
Potion of clairvoyance |
3 |
Rare |
Au |
2000 |
potion |
Potion of climbing |
1 |
Common |
Au |
25 |
potion |
Potion of diminution |
3 |
Rare |
Bu |
2750 |
potion |
Potion of Dragon's Majesty |
5 |
Legendary |
Cu |
125000 |
potion |
Potion of Fire Breath |
2 |
Uncommon |
Bu |
200 |
potion |
Potion of Flying |
4 |
Very Rare |
Cu |
30000 |
potion |
Potion of Gaseous Form |
3 |
Rare |
Au |
2000 |
potion |
Potion of Giant Size |
5 |
Legendary |
Bu |
100000 |
potion |
Potion of giant strength |
4 |
Varies |
Varies |
25000 |
potion |
Potion of growth |
2 |
Uncommon |
Bu |
200 |
potion |
Potion of healing |
1 |
Common |
Bu |
50 |
potion |
Potion of heroism |
3 |
Rare |
Bu |
2750 |
potion |
Potion of invisibility |
4 |
Very Rare |
Bu |
25000 |
potion |
Potion of invulnerability |
3 |
Rare |
Bu |
2750 |
potion |
Potion of longevity |
4 |
Very Rare |
Au |
20000 |
potion |
Potion of Maximum Power |
3 |
Rare |
Bu |
2750 |
potion |
Potion of Mind Control (monster) |
3 |
Varies |
Varies |
3500 |
potion |
Potion of mind reading |
3 |
Rare |
Cu |
3500 |
potion |
Potion of poison |
2 |
Uncommon |
Au |
150 |
potion |
Potion of Possibility |
4 |
Very Rare |
Cu |
30000 |
potion |
Potion of resistance |
2 |
Uncommon |
Bu |
200 |
potion |
Potion of speed |
4 |
Very Rare |
Bu |
25000 |
potion |
Potion of vitality |
4 |
Very Rare |
Bu |
25000 |
potion |
Potion of water breathing |
2 |
Uncommon |
Au |
150 |
potion |
Powered Armor |
5 |
Legendary |
C |
500000 |
armor |
plate |
Pressure Capsule |
1 |
Common |
A |
100 |
wondrous item |
Professor Orb |
3 |
Rare |
A |
8000 |
wondrous item |
Prismari Primer |
2 |
Uncommon |
B |
800 |
wondrous item |
spellcaster |
Propeller Helm |
2 |
Uncommon |
A |
600 |
wondrous item |
headwear |
small humanoid |
Prosthetic Limb |
1 |
Common |
A |
100 |
wondrous item |
creature missing some or all of a limb |
Protective Verses |
3 |
Rare |
C |
14000 |
wondrous item |
book |
wizard |
Psi Crystal |
2 |
Uncommon |
A |
600 |
wondrous item |
Intelligence 3 or higher |
Pyroconverger |
2 |
Uncommon |
B |
800 |
wondrous item |
Pyxis of Pandemonium |
5 |
Legendary |
Bu |
100000 |
wondrous item |
tries to charm the user |
Quaal’s feather token |
3 |
Rare |
Bu |
2750 |
wondrous item |
consumable |
Quandrix Primer |
2 |
Uncommon |
B |
800 |
wondrous item |
spellcaster |
Quiver of Ehlonna |
2 |
Uncommon |
B |
800 |
wondrous item |
Radiance |
7 |
Artefact |
wand |
spellcaster |
Rakdos Riteknife |
5 |
Legendary |
B |
400000 |
weapon |
dagger |
required |
Red Wizard Blade |
5 |
Legendary |
B |
400000 |
weapon |
dagger |
Reincarnation Dust |
4 |
Very Rare |
Cu |
30000 |
wondrous item |
Reveler’s Concertina |
3 |
Rare |
C |
14000 |
wondrous item |
bard |
Rhythm-Maker's Drum |
2 |
Varies |
Varies |
800 |
wondrous item |
bard |
Ring of animal influence |
3 |
Rare |
A |
8000 |
ring |
Ring of djinni summoning |
5 |
Legendary |
C |
500000 |
ring |
required |
Ring of elemental command |
5 |
Legendary |
C |
500000 |
ring |
required |
Ring of evasion |
3 |
Rare |
B |
11000 |
ring |
required |
Ring of feather falling |
3 |
Rare |
A |
8000 |
ring |
required |
Ring of free action |
3 |
Rare |
B |
11000 |
ring |
required |
Ring of invisibility |
5 |
Legendary |
C |
500000 |
ring |
required |
Ring of jumping |
2 |
Uncommon |
A |
600 |
ring |
required |
Ring of mind shielding |
2 |
Uncommon |
A |
600 |
ring |
required |
Ring of Obscuring |
2 |
Uncommon |
A |
600 |
ring |
required |
Ring of protection |
3 |
Rare |
B |
11000 |
ring |
required |
Ring of regeneration |
4 |
Very Rare |
B |
100000 |
ring |
required |
Ring of resistance |
3 |
Rare |
B |
11000 |
ring |
required |
Ring of shooting stars |
4 |
Very Rare |
C |
120000 |
ring |
required |
Ring of spell storing |
3 |
Rare |
C |
14000 |
ring |
required |
Ring of spell turning |
5 |
Legendary |
B |
400000 |
ring |
required |
Ring of swimming |
2 |
Uncommon |
A |
600 |
ring |
Ring of telekinesis |
4 |
Very Rare |
B |
100000 |
ring |
required |
Ring of Temporal Salvation |
3 |
Rare |
B |
11000 |
ring |
required |
Ring of the ram |
3 |
Rare |
B |
11000 |
ring |
required |
Ring of three wishes |
5 |
Legendary |
C |
500000 |
ring |
Ring of Truth Telling |
2 |
Uncommon |
A |
600 |
ring |
required |
Ring of warmth |
2 |
Uncommon |
B |
800 |
ring |
required |
Ring of water walking |
2 |
Uncommon |
A |
600 |
ring |
Ring of Winter |
7 |
Artefact |
ring |
required |
Ring of x-ray vision |
3 |
Rare |
A |
8000 |
ring |
required |
Rings of Shared Suffering |
2 |
Uncommon |
B |
1600 |
ring |
required |
Robe of eyes |
3 |
Rare |
C |
14000 |
wondrous item |
robe |
required |
Robe of scintillating colors |
4 |
Very Rare |
B |
100000 |
wondrous item |
robe |
required |
Robe of Serpents |
2 |
Uncommon |
C |
1000 |
wondrous item |
robe |
required |
Robe of stars |
4 |
Very Rare |
B |
100000 |
wondrous item |
robe |
required |
Robe of Summer |
3 |
Rare |
B |
11000 |
wondrous item |
robe |
required |
Robe of the Archmagi |
5 |
Legendary |
C |
500000 |
wondrous item |
robe |
required |
Robe of Useful Items |
2 |
Uncommon |
C |
1000 |
wondrous item |
robe |
Rod of Absorption |
4 |
Very Rare |
B |
100000 |
rod |
consumable |
required |
Rod of Alertness |
4 |
Very Rare |
B |
100000 |
rod |
required |
Rod of Lordly Might |
5 |
Legendary |
B |
400000 |
rod |
required |
Rod of Resurrection |
5 |
Legendary |
C |
500000 |
rod |
required |
Rod of Retribution |
2 |
Uncommon |
B |
800 |
rod |
required |
Rod of rulership |
3 |
Rare |
C |
14000 |
rod |
required |
Rod of security |
4 |
Very Rare |
C |
120000 |
rod |
Rod of the pact keeper +1 |
2 |
Uncommon |
C |
1000 |
rod |
required |
Rod of the pact keeper +2 |
3 |
Rare |
C |
14000 |
rod |
required |
Rod of the pact keeper +3 |
4 |
Very Rare |
C |
120000 |
rod |
required |
Rod of the Vonindod |
3 |
Rare |
A |
8000 |
rod |
required |
Rope of climbing |
2 |
Uncommon |
A |
600 |
wondrous item |
Rope of entanglement |
3 |
Rare |
B |
11000 |
wondrous item |
Rope of Mending |
1 |
Common |
A |
100 |
wondrous item |
Rotor of Return |
4 |
Very Rare |
B |
100000 |
wondrous item |
required |
Ruby of the War Mage |
1 |
Common |
C |
400 |
wondrous item |
spellcaster |
Ruby Weave Gem |
5 |
Legendary |
C |
500000 |
wondrous item |
spellcaster |
Ruin's Wake |
8 |
Vestige |
weapon |
spear |
required |
Ruinblade |
5 |
Legendary |
B |
400000 |
weapon |
greatsword |
required |
Ruinstone |
7 |
Artefact |
wondrous item |
Saddle of the cavalier |
2 |
Uncommon |
B |
800 |
wondrous item |
mount item |
Saint Markovia's Thighbone |
3 |
Rare |
B |
11000 |
weapon |
mace |
required |
Sapphire Buckler |
4 |
Very Rare |
B |
100000 |
armor |
shield |
required |
poison damage on donning and doffing |
Scarab of protection |
5 |
Legendary |
B |
400000 |
wondrous item |
required |
Scimitar of speed |
4 |
Very Rare |
B |
100000 |
weapon |
scimitar |
required |
Scorpion Armour |
3 |
Rare |
B |
11000 |
armor |
plate |
required |
poison damage on donning and doffing |
Scribe's Pen |
1 |
Common |
A |
100 |
wondrous item |
Scroll of protection |
3 |
Rare |
Bu |
2750 |
scroll |
Scroll of Tarrasque Summoning |
5 |
Legendary |
Cu |
125000 |
scroll |
Scroll of the Comet |
5 |
Legendary |
Bu |
100000 |
scroll |
Seeker Dart |
2 |
Uncommon |
B |
800 |
weapon |
dart |
Sekolahian Worshiping Statuette |
1 |
Common |
B |
200 |
wondrous item |
Sending Stones |
2 |
Uncommon |
A |
1200 |
wondrous item |
Sentinel Shield |
2 |
Uncommon |
B |
800 |
armor |
shield |
Serpent Scale Armor |
2 |
Uncommon |
C |
1000 |
armor |
scale mail, leggings and gauntlets |
Serpent's Fang |
3 |
Rare |
B |
11000 |
weapon |
longsword |
Shadowfell Shard |
3 |
Rare |
C |
14000 |
wondrous item |
sorcerer |
Shard of the Ise Rune |
4 |
Very Rare |
B |
100000 |
wondrous item |
required |
Shatterspike |
2 |
Uncommon |
B |
800 |
weapon |
longsword |
required |
Shield +1 |
2 |
Uncommon |
B |
800 |
armor |
shield |
Shield +2 |
3 |
Rare |
B |
11000 |
armor |
shield |
Shield +3 |
4 |
Very Rare |
B |
100000 |
armor |
shield |
Shield of Expression |
1 |
Common |
A |
100 |
armor |
shield |
Shield of Farsight |
3 |
Rare |
B |
11000 |
armor |
shield |
Shield of Missile Attraction |
3 |
Rare |
B |
11000 |
armor |
shield |
required |
missiles are attracted to you |
Shield of the Hidden Lord |
5 |
Legendary |
C |
500000 |
armor |
shield |
required |
Shield of the Uven Rune |
4 |
Very Rare |
B |
100000 |
armor |
shield |
required |
Shiftweave |
1 |
Common |
A |
100 |
wondrous item |
clothing |
Silken Spite |
8 |
Vestige |
weapon |
rapier |
required |
Skyblinder Staff |
3 |
Rare |
C |
14000 |
wondrous item |
instrument |
required |
Silverquill Primer |
2 |
Uncommon |
B |
800 |
wondrous item |
spellcaster |
Skyblinder Staff |
2 |
Uncommon |
B |
800 |
weapon |
stuff |
required |
Sling Bullets of Althemone |
4 |
Very Rare |
Cu |
30000 |
weapon |
sling bullet |
Slippers of spider climbing |
2 |
Uncommon |
B |
800 |
wondrous item |
feet slot |
required |
Smokepowder |
2 |
Uncommon |
B |
800 |
wondrous item |
consumable |
Smoldering Armor |
1 |
Common |
A |
100 |
armor |
any armor |
Soul Coin |
2 |
Uncommon |
Cu |
wondrous item |
Sovereign glue |
5 |
Legendary |
Au |
75000 |
wondrous item |
consumable |
Speaking Stone |
1 |
Common |
A |
100 |
wondrous item |
Spear of Backbiting |
4 |
Very Rare |
B |
100000 |
weapon |
spear |
can hit user |
Spell Bottle |
5 |
Legendary |
B |
400000 |
wondrous item |
required |
Spell Gem |
4 |
Varies |
Varies |
20000 |
wondrous item |
spellcaster to imbue the gem |
Spell scroll |
1 |
Common |
Cu |
100 |
scroll |
Spell Sink |
5 |
Legendary |
C |
500000 |
wondrous item |
Spellguard shield |
4 |
Very Rare |
B |
100000 |
armor |
shield |
required |
Spelljamming Helm |
3 |
Rare |
B |
10000 |
wondrous item |
spellcaster |
Spellshard |
1 |
Common |
A |
100 |
wondrous item |
Sphere of annihilation |
5 |
Legendary |
B |
400000 |
wondrous item |
Spider Staff |
3 |
Rare |
B |
11000 |
staff |
required |
Spies' Murmur |
2 |
Uncommon |
A |
600 |
wondrous item |
required |
Staff of Adornment |
1 |
Common |
A |
100 |
staff |
Staff of Birdcalls |
1 |
Common |
A |
100 |
staff |
Staff of charming |
3 |
Rare |
B |
11000 |
staff |
bard, cleric, druid, sorcerer, warlock, or wizard |
Staff of Defense |
3 |
Rare |
C |
14000 |
staff |
required |
Staff of Dunamancy |
4 |
Very Rare |
C |
120000 |
staff |
wizard |
Staff of Fate |
4 |
Very Rare |
B |
100000 |
weapon |
longsword |
required |
Staff of fire |
4 |
Very Rare |
B |
100000 |
staff |
druid, sorcerer, warlock, or wizard |
Staff of Flowers |
1 |
Common |
A |
100 |
staff |
Staff of frost |
4 |
Very Rare |
B |
100000 |
staff |
druid, sorcerer, warlock, or wizard |
Staff of healing |
3 |
Rare |
B |
11000 |
staff |
bard, cleric, or druid |
Staff of power |
4 |
Very Rare |
C |
120000 |
staff |
sorcerer, warlock, or wizard |
Staff of striking |
4 |
Very Rare |
B |
100000 |
staff |
required |
Staff of swarming insects |
3 |
Rare |
C |
14000 |
staff |
bard, cleric, druid, sorcerer, warlock, or wizard |
Staff of the adder |
2 |
Uncommon |
B |
800 |
staff |
cleric, druid, or warlock |
Staff of the Forgotten One |
7 |
Artefact |
staff |
sorcerer, warlock, or wizard |
Staff of the Ivory Claw |
3 |
Rare |
B |
11000 |
staff |
spellcaster |
Staff of the magi |
5 |
Legendary |
C |
500000 |
staff |
sorcerer, warlock, or wizard |
Staff of the python |
2 |
Uncommon |
B |
800 |
staff |
cleric, druid, or warlock |
Staff of the woodlands |
4 |
Very Rare |
C |
120000 |
staff |
druid |
Staff of thunder and lightning |
4 |
Very Rare |
B |
100000 |
staff |
required |
Staff of withering |
3 |
Rare |
B |
11000 |
staff |
cleric, druid, or warlock |
Stone of controlling earth elementals |
3 |
Rare |
C |
14000 |
wondrous item |
Stone of Golorr |
7 |
Artefact |
wondrous item |
required |
Stone of good luck (luckstone) |
2 |
Uncommon |
B |
800 |
wondrous item |
required |
Stone of Ill Luck |
2 |
Uncommon |
Bu |
200 |
wondrous item |
required |
Actually the opposite |
Stonespeaker Crystal |
3 |
Rare |
A |
8000 |
wondrous item |
required |
Stonky's Ring |
7 |
Artefact |
ring |
required |
Storm Boomerang |
2 |
Uncommon |
Bu |
200 |
weapon |
boomerang |
Stormgirdle |
8 |
Vestige |
wondrous item |
required |
Sun blade |
3 |
Rare |
B |
11000 |
weapon |
longsword |
required |
Sunsword |
6 |
Sentient |
weapon |
longsword |
required |
Sunforger |
3 |
Rare |
B |
11000 |
weapon |
warhammer |
required |
Sword of answering |
5 |
Legendary |
B |
400000 |
weapon |
longsword |
creature with the same alignment as the sword |
Sword of Kas |
7 |
Artefact |
weapon |
longsword |
required |
Sword of life stealing |
3 |
Rare |
B |
11000 |
weapon |
any sword |
required |
Sword of the Paruns |
4 |
Very Rare |
C |
120000 |
weapon |
longsword |
required |
Sword of sharpness |
4 |
Very Rare |
B |
100000 |
weapon |
any sword (slashing) |
required |
Strixhaven Pennant |
1 |
Common |
A |
100 |
wondrous item |
spellcaster |
Sword of vengeance |
2 |
Uncommon |
B |
800 |
weapon |
any sword |
required |
force to kill who damaged user |
Sword of wounding |
3 |
Rare |
B |
11000 |
weapon |
any sword |
required |
Sword of Zariel |
5 |
Legendary |
C |
500000 |
weapon |
longsword |
creature the sword deems worthy |
Tablet of Reawakening |
5 |
Legendary |
Cu |
125000 |
wondrous item |
Talisman of pure good |
5 |
Legendary |
B |
400000 |
wondrous item |
neckwear |
creature of good alignment |
Talisman of the sphere |
5 |
Legendary |
B |
400000 |
wondrous item |
neckwear |
required |
Talisman of ultimate evil |
5 |
Legendary |
B |
400000 |
wondrous item |
neckwear |
creature of evil alignment |
Tattoo, Absorbing |
4 |
Very Rare |
B |
100000 |
wondrous item |
tattoo |
required |
Tattoo, Barrier (Rare) |
3 |
Rare |
B |
11000 |
wondrous item |
tattoo |
required |
Tattoo, Barrier (Uncommon) |
2 |
Uncommon |
B |
800 |
wondrous item |
tattoo |
required |
Tattoo, Barrier (Very Rare) |
4 |
Very Rare |
B |
100000 |
wondrous item |
tattoo |
required |
Tattoo, Blood Fury |
5 |
Legendary |
C |
500000 |
wondrous item |
tattoo |
required |
Tattoo, Cooling Grasp |
2 |
Uncommon |
B |
800 |
wondrous item |
tattoo |
required |
Tattoo, Eldritch Claw |
2 |
Uncommon |
C |
1000 |
wondrous item |
tattoo |
required |
Tattoo, Ghost Step |
4 |
Very Rare |
C |
120000 |
wondrous item |
tattoo |
required |
Tattoo, Illuminator |
1 |
Common |
A |
100 |
wondrous item |
tattoo |
required |
Tattoo, Lifewell |
4 |
Very Rare |
C |
120000 |
wondrous item |
tattoo |
required |
Tattoo, Masquerade |
1 |
Common |
A |
100 |
wondrous item |
tattoo |
required |
Tattoo, Shadowfell Brand |
3 |
Rare |
B |
11000 |
wondrous item |
tattoo |
Tattoo, Spellwrought |
1 |
Varies |
Varies |
100 |
wondrous item |
tattoo |
Teeth of Dahlver-Nar |
7 |
Artefact |
wondrous item |
required |
Tentacle rod |
3 |
Rare |
B |
11000 |
rod |
required |
The Bloody End |
8 |
Vestige |
weapon |
morning star |
required |
The Infernal Machine of Lum the Mad |
7 |
Artefact |
Wondrous item |
required |
Thermal Cube |
1 |
Common |
A |
100 |
wondrous item |
Thessaltoxin Antidote |
2 |
Uncommon |
Cu |
250 |
potion |
Timepiece of Travel |
4 |
Very Rare |
B |
100000 |
wondrous item |
required |
Tinderstrike |
5 |
Legendary |
B |
400000 |
weapon |
dagger |
required |
Tome of clear thought |
4 |
Very Rare |
C |
120000 |
wondrous item |
tome |
Tome of leadership and influence |
4 |
Very Rare |
C |
120000 |
wondrous item |
tome |
Tome of the stilled tongue |
5 |
Legendary |
A |
300000 |
wondrous item |
tome |
required |
Tome of Understanding |
4 |
Very Rare |
C |
120000 |
wondrous item |
tome |
Topaz Annihilator |
5 |
Legendary |
C |
500000 |
weapon |
firearm |
required |
Trident of Fish Command |
2 |
Uncommon |
A |
600 |
weapon |
trident |
required |
Two Birds Sling |
3 |
Rare |
B |
11000 |
weapon |
sling |
Universal Solvent |
5 |
Legendary |
Au |
75000 |
wondrous item |
consumable |
Ventilating Lungs |
4 |
Very Rare |
A |
80000 |
wondrous item |
required |
Verminshroud |
8 |
Vestige |
wondrous item |
required |
Veteran's Cane |
1 |
Common |
A |
100 |
wondrous item |
Vicious weapon |
3 |
Rare |
B |
11000 |
weapon |
any |
Vorpal sword |
5 |
Legendary |
B |
400000 |
weapon |
any slashing sword |
required |
Vox Seeker |
1 |
Common |
B |
200 |
wondrous item |
Voyager Staff |
4 |
Very Rare |
C |
120000 |
staff |
spellcaster |
Walloping Ammunition |
1 |
Common |
B |
200 |
weapon |
ammunition |
required |
Wand of binding |
3 |
Rare |
C |
14000 |
wand |
spellcaster |
Wand of Conducting |
1 |
Common |
A |
100 |
wand |
Wand of enemy detection |
3 |
Rare |
B |
11000 |
wand |
required |
Wand of fear |
3 |
Rare |
B |
11000 |
wand |
required |
Wand of fireballs |
3 |
Rare |
B |
11000 |
wand |
required |
Wand of lightning bolts |
3 |
Rare |
B |
11000 |
wand |
required |
Wand of magic detection |
2 |
Uncommon |
A |
600 |
wand |
Wand of magic missiles |
2 |
Uncommon |
B |
800 |
wand |
Wand of Orcus |
7 |
Artefact |
weapon |
mace |
required |
Wand of paralysis |
3 |
Rare |
B |
11000 |
wand |
spellcaster |
Wand of polymorph |
4 |
Very Rare |
B |
100000 |
wand |
spellcaster |
Wand of Pyrotechnics |
1 |
Common |
A |
100 |
wand |
Wand of Scowls |
1 |
Common |
A |
100 |
wand |
Wand of secrets |
2 |
Uncommon |
A |
600 |
wand |
Wand of Smiles |
1 |
Common |
A |
100 |
wand |
Wand of the war mage +1 |
2 |
Uncommon |
B |
800 |
wand |
spellcaster |
Wand of the war mage +2 |
3 |
Rare |
B |
11000 |
wand |
spellcaster |
Wand of the war mage +3 |
4 |
Very Rare |
B |
100000 |
wand |
spellcaster |
Wand of Viscid Globs |
3 |
Rare |
B |
11000 |
wand |
required |
Wand of web |
2 |
Uncommon |
B |
800 |
wand |
required |
Wand of Winter |
3 |
Rare |
B |
11000 |
wand |
required |
Wand of wonder |
3 |
Rare |
C |
14000 |
wand |
required |
Wand Sheath |
1 |
Common |
B |
200 |
wondrous item |
warforged |
Watchful Helm |
4 |
Very Rare |
C |
120000 |
armor |
helm |
required |
Wave |
6 |
Sentient |
weapon |
trident |
creature that worships a god of the sea |
Waythe |
6 |
Sentient |
weapon |
greatsword |
required |
Weapon +1 |
2 |
Uncommon |
B |
800 |
weapon |
any |
Weapon +2 |
3 |
Rare |
B |
11000 |
weapon |
any |
Weapon +3 |
4 |
Very Rare |
B |
100000 |
weapon |
any |
Weapon of Certain Death |
3 |
Rare |
A |
8000 |
weapon |
any |
required |
Weapon of warning |
2 |
Uncommon |
C |
1000 |
weapon |
any |
required |
Well of many worlds |
5 |
Legendary |
C |
500000 |
wondrous item |
Wheel of Stars |
4 |
Very Rare |
C |
120000 |
wondrous item |
required |
Wheel of Wind and Water |
2 |
Uncommon |
A |
600 |
weapon |
warhammer |
required |
Whelm |
6 |
Sentient |
weapon |
warhammer |
dwarf |
Wierd Tank |
5 |
Legendary |
Bu |
100000 |
wondrous item |
Wildspace Orrery |
2 |
Uncommon |
A |
600 |
wondrous item |
Will of the Talon |
8 |
Vestige |
weapon |
warpick |
required |
Witherbloom Primer |
2 |
Uncommon |
B |
800 |
wondrous item |
spellcaster |
Wind fan |
2 |
Uncommon |
A |
600 |
wondrous item |
Windvane |
5 |
Legendary |
C |
500000 |
weapon |
spear |
required |
Winged boots |
2 |
Uncommon |
C |
1000 |
wondrous item |
feet slot |
required |
Wings of flying |
3 |
Rare |
C |
14000 |
wondrous item |
cloak |
required |
Wingwear |
2 |
Uncommon |
Cu |
250 |
wondrous item |
cloak |
required |
Wreath of the Prism |
8 |
Vestige |
wondrous item |
required |
Wyrmskull Throne |
7 |
Artefact |
wondrous item |
Yklwa +1 |
2 |
Uncommon |
B |
800 |
weapon |
yklwa |
Yklwa +2 |
3 |
Rare |
B |
11000 |
weapon |
yklwa |
Yklwa +3 |
4 |
Very Rare |
B |
100000 |
weapon |
yklwa |
Ythryn Mythallar |
5 |
Legendary |
C |
500000 |
wondrous item |
spellcaster |